Our Board 0f Directors

Trayonna Rankins


In 2008 Trayonna Rankins received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Marketing. Knowing that her passion would one day lead to becoming an entrepreneur, leader and motivator to many across the world. Willing to challenge herself in various industries allowed Trayonna to search for a specific notch that will not only change her life but most importantly the lives of our youth.  She first experienced what being a mentor was all about from a very close source, her grandmother, Dorothy Cook who was the Director of A women Shelter for over 30 years in South Central Los Angeles. Dorothy Cook believed in her granddaughters’ gift to communicate with young girls who were in search of answers regarding life and its hardship. From that Trayonna was given the opportunity to start a small program for the young girls who were living in the shelter (ages 11-18). Meeting up weekly with a intense topic with the hopes to change their perceptive and also challenging each individual to face their past, current situations and plan for potential greatness in their future.  Today, Marching Beauties Foundation serves in a very similar way. “SHE believed she could and so SHE DID!”  #MarchingTogether


Ashely Burrell 

Treasure /Workshop Locator

Ashley Burrell, our Marching Beauties Community Locator & Contractor was born and raised in Inglewood, CA. Living in Inglewood she was faced with many types of oppression; gang violence, drugs, poverty and much more but, she never let those problems stop her from completing her goals. At the age of thirteen she lost her oldest brother to a senseless act of gang violence. Feeling alone and left with bottled up emotion she decided once she was old enough, she would help other people cope with lost and teach them the benefit of forgiveness. Some of the goals she set along the way were to graduate from college and to pass on to others what was once passed on to her. In 2017, she graduated from California State University of Northridge with a Masters degree in Social Work with a concentration in urban family practice. Working with Marching Beauties is important to her because young girls need positive role models in their lives and with budget cuts affecting the school systems there aren’t many programs left that will teach these young girls self-empowerment, self-esteem building, and encourage them to live better lives now so that they’ll become greater women later. 


Jennifer Garcia 

Secretary/Workshop Coordinator

Jennifer Garcia, our Marching Beauties Workshop Coordinator, learned early on that she naturally has the desire to help those in need and those whom are searching for guidance. She was raised in a “broken home” by only her mother, as did many of her peers. Many of these peers decided to turn their home situations and anger into something negative by getting into gangs, getting into trouble or doing drugs. However, she always had a different outlook to every situation. She was fortunate to have a parent that kept her on track. She admired the strength her mother showed through the struggle of raising two children on her own. She again was fortunate enough to take on these strengths as well, and develop the desire to help the neighborhood around her. She has been a tutor previously, and has taken in friends over the years that have had no place to turn. In 2011, she graduated with her Associates Degree in Liberal Arts from Los Angeles Harbor College. She later continued her education at
California State University, Dominguez Hills, where she graduated with her Bachelors Degree in Behavioral Science, with a minor in Sociology. Jennifer knew that these fields would help her gain the knowledge needed to help the individuals she encounters to prosper into their purpose. When Trayonna introduced her to the idea of Marching Beauties in 2011, she was more than willing to take part in this non-profit organization.It is her passion to help those in her community who have lost their way or need that extra encouragement they are seeking.